eSignature Features

Efficient workflow

Upload a document, add the signature fields, and send it off within seconds. You’ll be amazed how efficient the process is.

Available on the go by Countersign works on desktop, tablets and mobile devices alike. All you need is your favorite browser.

Legal and enforceable

E-signatures are legal by the ESIGN Act and UETA. And the built-in audit trail lets you know the document wasn’t tampered with.

Plans and Pricing

Get your basic e-signature needs covered — for free, forever.

  • Unlimited self signing
  • Send 5 document requests per month for free
  • Create 1 template for free
  • Securely saved in the cloud


Get Started

Unlimited documents and templates, including template sharing, is just $16/mo.

  • Unlimited documents (sign & send)
  • Unlimited templates
  • Template sharing
  • Securely saved in the cloud


Streamlined digital workflow

Low learning curve. No need for app downloads. Get everything done in your browser. And clients can sign document right away, no login required.

Effortless document managment

No more searching for documents and handling paper folders. Everything is at hand within eSignatures by Countersign, accessable 24/7 and from anywhere with an internet connection.

Safe and secured

State-of-the-art security keeps your documents safe. Forget about dealing with unsafe email attachments or the hassle of paper-as-security. eSignatures by Countersign will keep your documents safe within the cloud.

Start Sending Contracts Today

Start Signing for Free

About & Countersign is the fastest, easiest way to sign a contract online. Powered by Countersign, you can sign a contract online, and send it out to others for signature. Countersign provides customers a comprehensive clickwrap platform that seamlessly facilitates digital acceptance at scale. Our platform enables frictionless acceptance of all your contracts and agreements, reducing time to sign without compromising the immutability of your records.

About Contrib

CONTRIB is a leading community of Entrepreneurs, Developers, Designers, Marketers and Specialists from around the world creating value within leading digital assets. We cowork online with people around the world with complementary skills, passion, time and resources helping build sustainable, electronic businesses. Contrib is changing how value is created, measured, integrated and distributed with a transparent, equity distribution system and world leading assets. We are a proud member of Global Ventures, LLC.